Applications of Digital Signal Processors



SHARC  Ana­log Devices SHARC  signal processors

Lecture presentations

 Ana­log Devices docu­ments


ADSP21489ezkit   ADSP21489ezkit_block

ADSP-21489 EZ-Kit Lite

The program:

  1. Introduction to the laboratory stand.

The software tools:

  • Cross Core Embedded Studio 2.1.0 IDE,
  • SpectraPLUS (Spectralab) for test signals generation and output signals analysis.
  1. Fixed-point arithmetic (fixed-point) and floating point CPU of the ADSP-21489.
  2. Implementation of Delay and echo.
  3. The SISD and SIMD implementation of sample based version FIR filters. Comparison of fixed-point and floating-point versions of algorithm.
  4. The SISD and SIMD implementation of block based version FIR filters. Comparison of fixed-point and floating-point versions of algorithm.
  5. The SISD and SIMD implementation of sample based version IIR filters. Comparison of fixed-point and floating-point versions of algorithm.
  6. The SISD and SIMD implementation of block based version IIR filters. Comparison of fixed-point and floating-point versions of algorithm.
  7. Implementation of FIR filtering using a FIR hardware  accelerator.
  8. Implementation of IIR filtering using a IIR hardware accelerator.