The previous project suffered occasionally from button glitches on clock input. These unwanted events can be removed - instead button driven clock we will use the external generated clock. To do so, we will use 100MHz generator module located on PCB along with a properly built prescaler (i.e. frequency divider), which will mark events for any synchronous modules in our design. To see these events we will slow clock (divide input by 100,000,000) to 1 Hz. Both modules: prescaler and debouncer will be connected in a synchronous way (one and the only clock signal for every flip-flop in the design).
1. Open project from the previous tutorial. Set active the work library tutorvhdl library (context menu Set Active option) . Add the New file Top.bde (Design Browser: Add new file | Block Diagram).
Put on a diagram TutorVHDL module (from the previous lab). Open symbol
toolbox library Symbol Toolbox
(icon ), find TutorVHDL symbol (in a Project subfolder) and drag
&drop it on the diagram.
Attn: modul should be succesfully compiled!
3. Add a Prescaler Fub – draw with a Mouse (context menu - right button). Copy to a C:\My_Designs\TutorVHDL_GGMM\TutorVHDL\src folder Prescaler.vhd file, and then combine it with a Prescaler Fub (context menu Push option). Attn: in pop up window select ‘VHDL Source Code’ and ‘Use existing file’ option.
## Clock signal
NET "clk" LOC = "V10" | IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33"; .......
Net "clk" TNM_NET = sys_clk_pin;
TIMESPEC TS_sys_clk_pin = PERIOD sys_clk_pin 100000 kHz;
Since oscillator is connected to the Global clock buffer line in FPGA on our board the following line:
is used no longer and should be commented out or removed.
The described above circuit is driven by oscillator – we would like to control CLK action again with a button - but without side effects like push button glitches – so we are going to add another module – debouncer. We can assume that glitches are not longer then 10ms, so we can fetch the push button input and analyse it – any shorter (then 10ms) changes we will dismiss, a longer we will accept. Debouncer module will filter out any glitches on CLK push button and we will stick in our synchronous strategy (one and the only clock signal for every flip-flop in the design). We will add PE signal activating slave modules only due to long term changes on our push button.